Thursday, July 21, 2011

2 down...98 more to go!

  Its been a while! In the past week I've stuck to counting calories, working out, and phentermine. I've tried to stick to water 100% of the time, but I've snuck in a sip or two. BUT...I do drink about 6 bottles of water a day! On Sunday I ran 1 mile, walked 2 miles, and biked 3.5 miles. I snuck in some weights and I still feel like my arms were ripped off and I'm contuosly getting sucker punched in my upper abdominal area. But its for a good cause, right?

   Last Wednesday I weighed 228,and today...226! Two pounds kissed goodbye already. See ya, suckas!

   Oh, and I only felt the side effects of the phentermine for two days. Haven't had another one since!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

To gym, or not to gym?

     I planned on going to the gym this morning, but my daughter had other plans. Like wanting to take a nap during the time that the gym's kid center is open. I was hoping that she'd wake up from her nap before 12p.m. (kid center closes at 12:30 on Saturdays), but of course..she's still sleeping..and it's 11:09p.m. But that's okay. Why? Because I have an amazing invention called...


       That's right, boys and girls..I'm saving my gas and doing FREE Yoga with the help of my trusty Wii & Netflix...all while my daughter takes her afternoon nap. I'd much rather be doing what she's doing..but I can't get fit dreaming of donuts, pizza, and ice cream. -sigh- Wouldn't that be nice though?!

       I haven't actually weighed myself since I started this new weight loss plan. I really don't even have a set weight loss plan yet. I'm pretty much just winging it/counting calories. I think that starting Monday, I'll have everything figured out and will start weighing myself. How often though? Every week? Every other week? Whichever I choose I know I'm going to have to resist weighing in every freaking day.

     I really want some pizza right now.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Horrible lunch, but SO much energy

  So I completely forgot to tell you guys that I started taking a prescribed weight loss medication. Its called Phentermine 37.5mg. I take one itty bitty pill every morning. They're extremely small, light blue with dark blue spots. I suggest taking this with anything other than water. If you leave the pill in your mouth a second too might as well run to a toilet to vomit. Absolutely horrible taste.

  There are a few side effect to taking Phentermine, but nothing too outrageous. They listed dizziness, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, and of course...increased heart rate. I have yet to experience dizziness, but almost all morning it felt like my tongue was a sheet of sand paper sitting in a cave located somewhere in the Sahara Desert. I had to have drank at least three bottles of water within an hour. I was not dehydrated, just an annoyingly dry mouth. I slept great last night and the only trouble I had was that when my alarm went off this morning...I really wanted to lay in my bed for the next three days. I noticed increased heart rate, but with my profession I walk around like crazy and have to stay busy, so I didn't have a problem with having all the extra energy. I actually like that about this medication. I have SO much energy, but I'm not bouncing off the walls, I don't feel like my heart is going to explode, and I don't EVER feel jittery! Although, I did notice for about 30minutes yesterday...the other side of my left elbow (the part where you would get your blood drawn) kept having muscle spasms. I haven't felt that today, so maybe my body was adjusting to the medication, or my arm just felt like freaking out for a little while.

     So this is day two of the Phentermine. Increased energy and super duper dry mouth...that's all. I reduced my calorie intake and I'm eating the worst lunch ever. A strawberries n' cream slim fast, and 2 whole weat cinnamon brown sugar pop tarts. No icing. I totally wasn't going for such a horrible lunch, but that's what happened. I need to start making my lunch beforehand so I don't just grab some junk on the way out.

      Side note: Phentermine also surpresses appetite. I have to force myself to eat something. I feel like I'm putting a gun to my stomach and screaming "EAT, DAMNIT!!"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm fat...SURPRISE!!

     Hi there! This is my first attempt at blogging about the path to my weight loss. I will be posting exactly what I feel like saying in details and all. I'm finally letting the world know my secret, I'm a fatty.

    Growing up, I was always a slightly "larger" than the other kids my age. I've been called every name in the book; fatty, lard ass, fatso, chub-a-lub, Ms. Piggy, and my personal favorite..."Kirby". It didn't help that I had a C-D cup size bra in elementary school. Being teased about things I couldn't control at that young of an age was difficult, but I'm a trooper. My parents always told me that if someone makes fun of's because they have their on insecurities that they're battling. I still find this to be a very true statement.

    I graduated high school weighing 240lbs, standing 5'0" tall. I know, scary. In 2007 I drove to New York where my car broke down. I didn't live in the city, I lived upstate. Everything was beautiful, new, and in the mountains. With that being said, I walked EVERYWHERE. I didn't have a job so a good majority of my time was being killed walking around this little town being a tourist. I came back to Houston after about 5 months weighing in at 145lbs. Yes, all of that was from walking and drinking LOTS of water. Not only that, but the people I lived with were very into cooking, so most of my meals were healthy. I gained about 10-15lbs in a total of two years after coming home. In August of 2009, I found out I was pregnant. In March 2010, I gave birth to a beautiful 6lb 3oz baby. My after birth weight, 211lbs. Right now, I am 226lbs. According to my height, I'm considered "morbidly obese" with a BMI of 45%. Almost half of my entire fat!

    The way I lost weight before would be a perfect plan for me except for a few things that are different. I don't live in the mountains, I have a working car that makes it hard to want to walk places, it's about 120 degrees hotter in Texas, I have a job, and now a beautiful baby girl.

    I don't have a set goal weight, although I'm sure that down the line I will put a number in my head. For the next month or two, my short term goal is getting under the 200lb mark. I just have to be like The Little Engine that Could...
                 "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..." 
    Eh, screw that. I know I can.  ;)